What are the benefits of massage therapy?

The practice of massage dates back to 3000 BCE or earlier. Medical massage methods have been passed down in multiple cultures for generations to heal injuries, relieve pain, and prevent (or cure) illnesses. The massage industry continues to grow as more studies prove the effectiveness of massage by means of modern science. In most states, including Montana, massage therapists are required to attend school and obtain a medical license to ensure patients receive the most effective treatment possible. Over the past 50 or so years, massage has gained traction in the United States as a medical community. There have been countless cases of medical patients seeing drastic improvements with the addition of regular massage therapy to their routines.

Where do you fit in?


General Health

Do you want to improve your overall health?

Massage therapy is proven to:

  • Relax tense muscles

  • Enhance healthy sleep & sleeping patterns

  • Improve joint mobility

  • Improve cardiac and lymphatic circulation

  • Improve digestion

  • Improve brain function

  • Reduce the risk of injuries and illnesses

  • Promote healthy skin

  • Improve immune system


Pain & Fitness

Does you job, sport, or hobby take a toll on your body?

Massage therapy is proven to:

  • Relieve tension headaches & migraines

  • Back pain

  • Neck pain

  • Poor lymphatic circulation

  • Workplace/sports injuries

  • Relieve over-worked muscles

  • Speed recovery from physical exertion

  • Improve flexibility

  • Reduce fatigue


Stress & Relaxation

Stressed? Anxious? Depressed? Overworked?

Massage therapy is proven to:

  • Trigger the parasympathetic (resting) nervous system

  • Reduce anxiety and depression

  • Encourage calming thoughts

  • Reduce stress levels

  • Promote healthy brain & neurotransmitter function

  • Decrease pain & improve overall wellness

  • Lower accelerated heart rates

  • Improve energy levels

  • Improve holistic (mind, body, spirit) balance

How often should you get a massage?

Massage Therapy is not a one-and-done solution, in most cases you will see results after the first session. But like most wellness activities, you will only see the BEST results if the treatment is maintained regularly.

This varies by person, condition, and treatment goal but the suggestions below are a great place to start!


1x per week

  • Severe chronic pain or illness

  • Post surgery or injury (may need to be approved by a doctor)

  • Severe headaches or migraines

  • Severe soreness or injuries caused by occupations or sports

    This yields the quickest results!

2x per month

  • Pain from injury or illness

  • Frequent stress, anxiety, or depression

  • Regular headaches or migraines

  • Soreness or injuries caused by occupations or sports

    This yields quick results!

1x per month

  • Mild pain from injury or illness

  • Regular stress, anxiety or depression

  • Mild headaches or migraines

  • Mild soreness or injuries caused by occupations or sports

    This yields decent results

    and maintains improvements!

Every few months

  • Rare pain from injury or illness

  • Rare stress, anxiety or depression

  • Rare headaches or migraines

  • Rare soreness or injuries caused by occupations or sports

    This improves wellness and

    maintains improvements!